Our most valued partners
As a local small business, we are proud to partner with other local businesses in the St. Peters, Norwood, Campbelltown and surrounding areas.

National Property Buyers
Office 5, 4/110 Prospect Road
Prospect SA 5082
Mobile 0429 799 133
National 1300 500 555

McKay Business Services
Denise McKay
254 Magill Rd, BEULAH PARK SA 5067
Phone : 08 8333 3525
Fax : 08 8333 3932
Email : denise@mckaybusiness.com.au

Chateau Real Estate
Trevor Priest
642 Lower North East Rd, PARADISE SA 5075
Phone : 08 8365 8211
Fax : 08 8365 8311
Email : office@chateaurealestate.com.au

Wakeful Partners
Toby Oakley - Chartered Accountant
Unit 1, 39 Clarke Street, NORWOOD SA 5067
Phone : 08 8332 0766
Fax : 08 8332 1033
Email : info@wakefulpartners.com.au