Mortgage Choice
Christine Ling

Home loan health check

Is your home loan 'healthy'? When was the last time you negotiated with your bank for a better rate? Are you aware of the fees associated with your loan product? Do you really need that offset account feature and pay a package fee? Most importantly, is there a better offer that could bring extra savings and suit your current situation better? 

This is why we offer home loan health checks. We review your home loan needs and compare your current loan with all those suitable offered by our 20+ panel lenders to give you peace of mind or a better outcome.

If you already have a suitable loan as a result of the home loan health check, we are happy to offer that peace of mind. If you choose to refinance for a better outcome, we can help making it a simple and fast process for you. 

The home loan health check is a complimentary service. 

Also check out our other offers including FREE Property Reports. The two services together can make your journey a lot easier and clearer. 

Contact Christine Ling at Mortgage Choice in Mosman today:

M: 0468389041


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