Mortgage Choice
David Thurmond


Property Price Falls | Are they as bad as th…
Using Your Equity to Invest in Property
Covid: How your borrowing capacity has been…
Fixed rates: All you need to know
Alston helps clients buy out their business…
Manjula saves a client $1,200 per month by r…
Bridging Finance - What is it?
David Thurmond's Market Update
A Quick Guide To What We Do
Financing a Commercial Property
Accessing Your Equity To Buy An Investment P…
Falling Land Values - Do they affect you?
Single mother from Pakenham consolidates her…
Divorcing couple from Berwick get their prop…
Narre Warren client drops into our office an…
First home buyer from Warragul works hard to…
Narre Warren couple with 7 maxed out credit…
Berwick client finishes uni, works a few wee…
Australian Defence Force personnel and the F…
Couple from Berwick consolidate credit cards…
Refinancing. Is your credit history good eno…
Narre Warren couple consolidate car loans, c…
A new house in Clyde, 7 credit cards and a d…
Couple from Berwick consolidate debt from we…
What is a debt consolidation and when should…
Bloopers reel #4
Should I keep my home as an investment prope…
Keeping my home as an investment property- r…
The time I tried to negotiate a lower intere…
Getting the section 32 checked before making…
Can you afford an interest rate increase?
Offset account, redraw facility or both?
First home owner information- Victoria
Low rates and cash backs for refinancing
When do I pay my house deposit & who do I pa…
Client from Narre Warren saves thousands & y…
Should I fix my interest rate?
Buying part of a business.
Borrowing money for your business.
Business partners from Narre Warren go their…
Buying a house - How the banks look at Centr…
Renting while building- managing both paymen…
Refinancing- when will my first payment be d…
Buying an established house vs building a ne…
Client from Pakenham switches super fund and…
Client from Mount Waverley consolidates supe…
Fixed vs Variable interest rates
Salary packaging and applying for a home loa…
Young family from Mount Waverley save $350 p…
Living expenses and applying for a home loan
Mortgage Choice Berwick- Bloopers Reel #3
Mortgage Choice Berwick bloopers reel #2
What is a credit score and how do I get a go…
What is Lenders Mortgage Insurance (LMI)?
Why you should use a Mortgage Broker
What does a Mortgage Broker do?
How much will my repayments be?
How much can I borrow?
Mortgage Choice Berwick- Bloopers Reel #1
How does a mortgage broker get paid?
Berwick family refinance, consolidate two ca…
Single Mum from Berwick saves $4k by refinan…
Upgrading when you've outgrown your first ho…
Buying or building a house. When do I pay my…
Building a house. How and when to pay your b…
Building A House- Building Inspections
Buying A House- The Settlement Process
Our Business Client (that we love!)- Cafe Tr…
Buying A Vehicle, Equipment Or Machinery For…
Buying A Commercial Property
Urgent Loan Request Sorted In 3 Hours
Moving Money From A UK Pension Fund To Your…
New Investment Property, 3 Kids Under 10 & T…
Case Study: How Income Protection Kept A You…
Refinancing Saves Family Thousands
Applying For A Home Loan- Overtime Income
Building Your First Home- When And How The F…
Car Loans For People Who Are Self Employed
Get Your Free Pre Approval In Place Before Y…
First Home Buyer Grants & Concessions- Decem…
Buying Or Starting A Business? This Is Who Y…
Mortgage Choice Berwick- We've Got Your Caff…
Is A Self Managed Super Fund Right For You?
Buying Your First Home
First Home Buyers- Stamp Duty
Refinance With Historically Low Interest Rat…
Review Your Mortgage And Save Thousands Per…
How We Saved A Young Family $500 Per Month O…
Getting A Business Loan- Business Plans & Fi…
Buying Or Starting Your Own Business- The Fi…
Signing A Contract- Finance Clause
Reducing Your Mortgage- Repayment Frequency
Shaun Presland Testimonial
A Guide to Refinancing - Got the 'itch to sw…
Dealer finance – know exactly what you’re si…

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