Mortgage Choice
Deb Smith

Meet your broker

Deb Smith

Deb Smith

Deb Smith understands how important it is for people to be able to realise their property ownership dreams and she works hard to ensure her clients make informed and educated decisions about their home loans.

“I’m a very strong believer in the importance of education and making sure my clients understand how home loans work, how they are structured and why I am recommending the products I am,” she says.

“I love spending time getting to know my clients, to listen and understand their needs and offer options that will ensure we get the foundations right so they can achieve their short and long-term goals.”

A successful property investor herself, Deb believes many people don’t understand just how easy it can be to purchase an investment property over time.

Deb gets great satisfaction helping first home buyers get their first home, and for those who are already paying off a home loan, showing them how to purchase an investment property over time.

She is able to assist all types of borrowers – first home buyers, those looking to refinance an existing property or purchase a new property, and those wanting to start or grow their investment property portfolio.

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