Mortgage Choice
Deborah Crumpton

Refinancing your loan | Mortgage Choice in Bathurst

With interest rates changing so quickly, it's vita that your home loan is checked regularly to make sure it's still competitive and still suit your life as it inevitably changes. Your bank isn't going to call you to offer a lower interest rate or better features - it's up to us to be proactive. Let Mortgage Choice in Bathurst help!

Let's be proactive with your home loan

Your home loan is not something to set and forget! Banks are fiercely competitive and often give new customers better deals than their existing ones. As your Mortgage Brokers in Bathurst, we can review your home loan to see if we can save you money by switching to another product.

  • We look through thousands of home loans from over 35 lenders to see if you save money by switching to another lender.
  • We review your home loan and see if there's further opportunity to streamline your loan by consolidating debt or even re-valuing your property. 
  • Together, we talk through our recommendations including any charges that come with refinancing like exit fees, application costs and other fees. We want to make sure that it will save you money in the long run.
  • If you would like to continue with the refinancing, we will manage the process on your behalf: the application, follow-up and settlement. 

Compare interest rates

Refinancing is about more than the interest rate

While getting a lower interest rate is one of the more popular reasons to refinance, there are other things you can gain. Accessing equity to invest, consolidating your debt or accessing features that weren't available when you first settled your loan are all great ways to use refinancing to your advantage.

Our Mortgage Choice team in Bathurst will review your goals and your current home loan and talk you through the strategies we have used for other clients to get results. 

What you could achieve through refinancing

We make it easy to get the right advice on your home loan

Our team at Mortgage Choice in Bathurst are passionate about making transparent refinancing advice accessible to everyone.

We would love to see you at our office: 104 Keppel Street in Bathurst. Having a local office as well as a mobile one means we can meet with you in-person wherever is the most convenient for you. Our team can also chat with you by phone or video.

Get in touch with Mortgage Choice in Bathurst on 02 5342 7819 or click below to book a call back.

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