Mortgage Choice
Dennis Smallwood

Self Managed Super Fund Lending

If you are looking to purchase an investment proeprty using your Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF), then there is no one better to talk to than Dennis Smallwood. With over 30 years lending experience, Dennis has been doing SMSF lending since laws were changed to allow this kind of borrowing back in around 2012. 

Most mainstream lenders pulled out of the SMSF space around 2018 - 2019 due to the liquidity requirements from the RBA around SMSF Loans. This doesn't mean it will be hard to get funding for your SMSF Loan. It just means you need to partner with someone who knows all the ins and outs. SMSF Loans are generally not available from lenders who you can walk in and talk too. However we can come to you for your SMSF Loan needs and have a chat in the comfort of your own home.
Talk to us for all your SMSF Lending needs.


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