Checklists and worksheets

Negotiating to buy factsheet
Hints and tips when negotiating to buy a property. In all cases, you should seek legal advice because you will be entering into a legally binding contract, and this information should be viewed as a general guide only.

Guarantors Factsheet
Many lenders will allow a related third party to provide additional security to help a family member buy their own home. The person providing this assistance is known as a guarantor.

Property purchases costs checklist
When purchasing a home there are additional costs you need to consider on top of the purchase price. We will help you work out the total cost of your purchase and the loan amount you require.

Property inspection checklist
This checklist will help to guide you through the factors you should consider when inspecting a property.

Moving house checklist
This checklist is designed to help you better prepare for and manage the tasks involved in moving houses.

Settlement action plan
This action plan details the events that need to occur before settlement of your home loan.

"Is it time to refinance" checklist
Questions you should ask yourself before deciding whether refinancing is right for you.