Mortgage Choice
Jason Bromley

Mortgage Broker Bathurst

Close to the big smoke but just far enough away to enjoy the local charm of regional living.

Less than a three-hour drive from the Sydney CBD, Bathurst has world-class entertainment and events, strong connectivity, an affordable lifestyle and thriving inclusive social scene. Combine this with the region's rich heritage and natural wonders, makes the Bathurst Region the perfect place those looking for a change.

Bathurst is connected, smart, innovative and so very beautiful. Here in the Bathurst Region we have seasons: Real, distinct, colour-filled, weather-ranging seasons that take you on a gorgeous 365-day sensory journey. Here you're amongst friends, with great cafés, restaurants, parks, Mount Panorama-Wahluu, the winding banks of the Macquarie River-Wambool and our oh so beautiful, expansive skies.

You’ll find everything you need from our state-of-the-art public hospital, well-established support network in aged care, myriad of educational institutions no matter what your level of study, and a wide range of career opportunities to kick start your life in Central West New South Wales. We're powered by high-speed internet, excellent mobile coverage and a growing, recession resilient economy. We have affordable options for businesses looking to buy or lease land and for residents looking for that perfect place to live.

With a beautiful backyard, close connections to cities via car, plane and train and a vibrant community, the only regret you'll have is that you didn't call the Bathurst Region your home sooner.

If you're looking for a great mortgage broker for your home loan in Bathurst contact Kate today to get started


Phone: 0421 159 579

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