Mortgage Choice
John Short


It can all change in the blink of an eye

It's easy to assume 'it'll never happen to me' but none of us are immune from illness or injury, and the lifestyle you’ve worked so hard to enjoy can quickly be replaced by financial struggle. It makes personal insurance an essential part of your wealth creation plan.

Income Protection Insurance

Our ability to earn an income is a tremendous asset, and income protection insurance takes care of it by providing an income stream usually worth around 75% of your normal wage if you can’t work because of illness or injury. The premiums are normally tax deductible, making cover more affordable.

Life Insurance

Life cover supports your family with a lump sum payout if you die. Many Australians have some level of life cover through their superannuation fund though it’s vital to check you have enough.

Critical Illness Insurance

It’s easy to take good health for granted yet illnesses like heart disease and cancer affect many working age Australians. Having protection can help keep your life on track financially while you deal with the process of recovery, and can help you afford access to the specialists and specialised treatments you may need.

Total & Permanent Disability Insurance

Total and permanent disability (TPD) insurance pays a lump sum if you suffer a total and permanent disability. It’s money that can be used to pay off your mortgage, make essential renovations to your home and/or provide valuable financial support to let your family to maintain their quality of life.

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