Mortgage Choice
Joshua Michael

Refinancing your current home loan


Your life changes quickly. And your loan should change with it. If you're not sure if you have the best rate or if your loan is still the right one, refinancing could be for you.

Your home loan needs might have changed

At Mortgage Choice in Canning Vale & Cockburn, we know that sometimes your loan needs to change, and that might need a new home loan. Refinancing your current home loan can help you take advantage of a lower rate, better loan features, change from a fixed rate to a variable one or use the equity in your house to your advantage.

However, there are costs associated with refinancing which might outweigh the potential benefits so it's important to review your refinancing options with the experts.

Refinancing to consolidate your debts

You might have multiple debts at different rates which could see you paying more in interest payments than you need to. Debt consolidation through refinancing might help you to lower your monthly repayments, and see you paying less in the long run. Check out our MoneyChat video below to find out more.

Our free home loan health check

You should be checking your home loan every 2 years. If you haven't, we can help!

Our free home loan health check only takes a short time and could save you money. Our team of mortgage brokers compare your current home loan and rate with hundreds of others on our panel to see if we can get you a better deal. 

To book your free home loan health check just call us on 08 9259 4488 or click on the Contact us button at the top of the page. 

Resources to help you along the way

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