Mortgage Choice
Lisa Wilkinson

Welcome to My Blog

I will be using my blog to keep you posted (excuse the pun) on the latest, up-to-date information regarding all aspects of property and mortgages.

If there's a topic you'd like me to cover, please let me know and, if you'd like to comment, please email me at


Getting a Personal Loan

A personal loan is another source of lending that is alternate to credit cards or increasing the borrowing on your home…

Tick Tock

Interest rates have never been this low (except in depression and recession times) and now they’ve been there for ten mo…

Feet Best Kept on the Ground

There's never been a time like this that I can remember in the Mortgage Industry in my ten years. There has always been…

Superannuation Fees Bite

Australians pay 20 billion dollars in superannuation fees each year, about $1100 per account, eating into funds availabl…

Time to Take the Plunge?

Brisbane vacancy rates have fallen to 2.3%, returning us to a much tighter rental market with the greater Brisbane area…

How Prepared Are You?

If disasters, natural or otherwise, announced their impending arrival, we'd have plenty of time to gather our important…

What do you Score?

So, how does a lender decide if you’re a good candidate for a home loan?  You know they check your ID and make sure you…

Beware the 40 Year Home Loan

There is much buzz in the market about some lenders' latest offerings; the 40 year home loan. Clearly spreading your hom…

Things Are Looking Good

It has been a great start to 2014 and I've seen a lot of positive signs for Home Owners and Buyers so far. My business h…

Happy New You

I hope you and yours thoroughly enjoyed your Christmas and I wish you a Happy New Year. Mortgage Choice has shared with…

Give It This Christmas

Avoiding overspending and racking up Credit Card debt should be on everyone’s Christmas Wish List.  If you do go a littl…

Grass Is Always Greener

A recent article in the Courier Mail shined a light on the influx of interstate property investors buying in the South E…

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