Our Local Findon Business and Community Partners
We are proud to sponsor and support many sporting clubs and schools within Findon, Port Adelaide, Semaphore, Largs Bay, Henley Beach, Mile End, Grange and the Adelaide western suburbs. We also believe in developing strong partnerships with other local businesses.

MPL Taxation & Accounting
Skilled in Tax Preparation, Tax Accounting, Income Tax, MYOB, and Financial Accounting.

Welden & Coluccio Lawyers
Welden & Coluccio Lawyers is a small, boutique law firm that brings a unique and fresh approach to the practice of law in all facets of estate planning, administration and litigation.
Contact Greg Welden or Jason Coluccio

North West Junior Association
The North West Junior Soccer Association Inc. runs a program designed for children from as young as six years of age through to senior primary school students enabling them to learn about the sport of soccer. The program is designed for maximum enjoyment for all ages, the emphasis on fun and participation. The association is a non-competitive organisation until the students reach their senior primary school years.
Mortgage Choice Port Adelaide & West Torrens are proud to support and get behind this amazing program.

Senexus - Age Care Solutions
Senexus derives its name from the combination of senex (a wise elder) and nexus (a series of connections linking two or more things). We think of our service as linking our elders, when they need a helping hand, to the very best and most appropriate aged care services. We provide assistance across the range of aged care services within South Australia, ranging from information on the financial implications of aged care, to providing facility recommendations based on individual circumstances. With Senexus, older Australians and their families do not need to go it alone when it comes to accessing aged care.
Senexus is a growing company with expert knowledge of the aged care system and extensive networks throughout South Australia. We know that your time is precious, particularly when the health of a loved one may be in decline, so we spend our time navigating the aged care system so that you can spend yours where it matters most.
Contact us today to talk about how we can help you.