Mortgage Choice
Margaret Godfrey

Refinancing of existing home or investment loans

Is a refinance of your existing home or investment loan the right option for you?

We help people who currently have a home or investment loan to understand their existing lending and to compare what they have with what else is currently available.

We take a stepped approach to refinancing as we know that there are costs involved in moving from one lender to another.  As a first step, we will always try to negotiate a better rate with your existing lender and then use what they have offered to review if you have better options available to you. 

Identifying what you are trying to achieve is really important when considering a refinance and we will explain the consequences of the choices you have available.

Whether you are looking to reduce the cash flow needed to service your loan, restructure your lending or you are just looking for a better rate or a more featured product, we can assist.  Call or email us today to get the processes started. 

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