Mortgage Choice
Matthew Hayes

Mortgage Broker and Home Loans Molonglo Valley

Do you live in Kingston, or are you looking to move to one Canberra’s most exciting suburbs?

Molonglo Valley is a district located north of Weston Creek and spans accros the the South of Belconnen in Canberra. The Suburbs located in the Molonglo Valley are Denman Prospect, Molonglo, Coombs, Wright, Whitlam and Sulman ( to be confirmed).

Buying a Property in the Molonlgo Valley, Canberra? We can help you secure the right finance

According to the average median price in the Molonglo Valley Canberra is $1,200,000 with plenty of facilities at your doorstep such as schools, Super IGA and Aboretum,  if you have been thinking about purchasing a property in the Molonglo Valley, get in touch with us today.

Contact our team at Mortgage Choice Manuka let us help you find the right home loan for your property in Kingston Canberra.


Start your home loan journey today

Find out how much you can borrow in just a couple of minutes! Use our helpful calculators to find out what your borrowing capcity is. 
Try our home loan calculator here.

Our mission is to find the right home loan for your individual needs and to always have your best interest at heart. Plain and Simple.


Want an ‘award winning' broker to help with your home loan?  

Look no further than our team. Mortgage Choice Manuka team has a genuine passion and commitment for customer service and a focus to help you achieve the best outcome, contact us now! 

P: 02 6239 4215 | M: 0432 189 047 | E:

The right home loan for your needs

Our mission is to find the right home loan for your individual needs and to always have your best interests at heart. Plain and simple. Which is why we have such a wide range of lenders to choose from. We can search through hundreds of products to find something tailored to your situation. ~

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