Mortgage Choice
Melissa Burt

Your Choice - Refinance your home loan to a lower interest rate to reduce your repayments down or pay your loan off more quickly

Your home is a wonderful place; somewhere to rest, relax and enjoy life. Having the right home loan is what makes all this possible.  We have access to hundreds of loans from a wide choice of leading lenders, including Australia’s big banks and a selection of specialist lenders. And, we do all the legwork  in finding the right home loan, so you can spend time doing the things you love.  We complete your loan application and follow it through to settlement, keeping you up to date along the way. The best news is that there is no charge to you for our home loan service.  Watch this video to see how we are saving our client Lee, over $56k in interest by refinancing his home loan to a new lender with a lower interest rate.   




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