Mortgage Choice
Michael Daniels

Mortgage Broker in Toukley , Budgewoi & Lake Munmorah



Toukley Median House price - Toukley



One of the best sets of data for monitoring the health of a property market, especially on the Central Coast, is the Rental Vacancy Rate. Investors use this information to gauge the current supply and demand position and predict the future direction of rental yields. This terrific chart shows the history of the Central Coast Vacancy rate since 2005. 
The current rental property vacancy rate is around 1%, based on an estimated 37,500 rental properties. A low vacancy rate indicates that rents are more likely to increase as demand appears to exceed supply. 
As you can see, the current Central Coast vacancy rate is historically low. Is this scarcity driving up our rents? I will answer that question with more data tomorrow, but I can confirm that my current experience as a mortgage broker on the Central Coast is that we are seeing an increase in renters seeking to buy their own homes and investors looking to purchase cash-flow-positive properties. Both of these trends indicate that rents are on the rise.
Please give me a call on 0414255530 if you would like to talk through your property plans.

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