Mortgage Choice
Pete Johnson

Mortgage Choice in Cronulla - Blog

In an everchanging and often confusing market, it's helpful to have updates and food for thought about home loans, the state of the housing market and about financial planning and wealth building. Over the months to come we intend on giving you a few interesting reads on these pages. Drop by anytime to check us out. 

Six ways to fund a renovation

Any renovation project, large or small, can be all-consuming in terms of your energy and money. Here are six loan type…

Statistic Soup

  If the finance industry loves one thing more than money, it's got to be statistics. The end of the financial ye…

PM's Big Announcement

Malcolm Turnbull has just announced that the government will launch a Royal Commission into the banks after the four maj…

Have You Heard of Microlending?

What is Microlending? Essentially Microlending is a people to people transaction that cuts out the banks and credit uni…

Flying into the Future

Three months after the Victorian government took steps to influence the housing market the NSW Government makes home o…

Great Start to 2017

Where did January go? It seems there has been no wavering in Shire people's interest in property so MC Sutherland / Cron…

Trumpeteering - and Australia

Trumpeteering “Trump Elected is a Disaster for Australia” “Commercial Real Estate Will Fall in Value…

It Has to Happen to Someone

Doing Our Thing for Men's Health   Australia remains as one of the most UNDER-PROTECTED nations in the developed…

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