Mortgage Choice
Raj Kempalingannavar

Mortgage Broker Marsden Park | Marsden Park Home Loans

Start your home loan journey today

Mortgage broker Marsden Park

Shops, parks, schools, and daycare centres and all available to you in Marsden Park - the convenience is unmatched! When it comes to shopping, the Lindt Factory Outlet is a particular favourite stop in the area for those with a sweet tooth, and if you’re looking to relax over a delicious meal and drink, the Marsden Brewhouse is the place to go. The community in Marsden Park is friendly and welcoming - you’ll love being its newest member!

In Marsden Park, the median house price was $1,150,000. When you need an excellent home loan to match your home in Marsden Park, talk to Raj Kempalingannavar about your options.

Using your equity

Your equity is the difference between your property value and the remaining loan balance. As you pay off your loan or your home value increases, your equity grows accordingly - you may not even realise how much you have accrued!

So what can you use your equity for? Some popular options include

  • The deposit for an investment property
  • A family holiday
  • A new car
  • Renovations or upgrades on your home

The sky is the limit when it comes to utilising your equity to suit your needs. Raj, as your mortgage broker in Marsden Park, can help assess how much usable equity you have to work with and assist you in reaching your goals. Simply book an obligation-free appointment with him today to discuss your options and get started - it couldn’t be simpler when you work with Raj!

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Get in touch with Raj Kempalingannavar to discuss your situation further - call 0423 474 511

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