Other business services that you may need
Through our past experiences we have developed a network of trusted business partners that we can recommend to you,
- Accountants
- Conveyancing Solicitors
- Justice of the Peace
- Building and Pest Inspectors
- Builders
- Sub Contractors
- Cleaning Contractors
Please let us know if you require any of these services and we will provide you with the contact details for the relevant businesses.
We thought it was important to let you know that we do not receive a referral fee from any of the service providers mentioned above that we may recommend to you. We just want to ensure that you are provided with a high level of service from all associated businesses during your loan process.

Blackhurst Law
T: 1300 664 983
F: 07 5636 0209
W: www.blackhurstlaw.com.au

Adamson Legal Group
Michael J Adamson - Director | Solicitor
T: 07 5661 9719
M: 0407 916 900
E: info@adamsonlegalgroup.com.au
W: www.adamsonlegalgroup.com.au
The Rocket Annex, Ground Floor, 203 Robina Town Centre Drive
Robina QLD 4226

Roberts Law - Solicitors & Notary
Lauren Van Bavel - Conveyacing Manager
T: 07 5530 5700
E: conveyancing@robertslaw.com.au
W: www.robertslaw.com.au
PO Box 458 Mudgeeraba, Suite 8, 60 Railway St, Mudgeeraba 4213

Baker Legal Services
Lauren Baker LLB - Legal Practitioner Director
T: 07 5610 4346
E: lauren@bakerlegalservices.com.au
W: www.bakerlegalservices.com.au
PO Box 516 West Burleigh Qld 4219

GC Law
Alicia Bradford - Practice Director
T: 07 5584 5402
M: 0409 261 805
E: alica.bradford@gclaw.com.au
W: www.gclaw.com.au
Suite 5010, Level 1
Arbour Lane Terraces
Robina Town Centre, Robina QLD 4230

Justice of the Peace (JP)
Justice of the Peace services can be found at the Robina Town Centre, located on Level 4:
No booking is required for this service.
- Monday - Friday: 9.30am - 4.30pm
- Thursday: 9.30am - 4.30pm, 5.30pm - 8.30pm
- Saturday: 9.30am - 1pm
- Sunday: CLOSED
Visit www.qld.gov.au/jps for more information

Dan Purkis Pest Control (Pre -Purchase Building & Pest Inspection)
Termite Inspection and Treatments, General Pest Control
Dan Purkis - Director
M: 0413 116 864
E: dan@dppc.com.au
W: dppc.com.au

Housefly Building & Pest Inspections
Building and Pest Inspections
T: 0413 770 209
E: brad@houseflybuildingandpest.com.au
W: www.houseflybuildingandpest.com.au

Jim's Termite & Pest Control
Termite & Pest Control
Danny Jung
M: 0416 515 874
E: danny.j@jimspestcontrol.com.au

Raf Palac - Account Manager
T: 07 5500 3500
M: 0477 740 031
E: raf.palac@proinsure.com.au
W: www.prosinsure.com.au
1H Jabiru House, Masthead Way, Sanctuary Cove QLD, 4212

ALI Life Insurance Loan Protection Insurance
Loan Protection Plan Covers for Living Benefit - covers 11 Serious Medical Conditions, Death & Terminal Illness Benefit, Involuntary Unemployment Benefit.
Eligibility - Automatic acceptance for clients who are Aged 18-59, Australian, New Zealand citizen or permanent resident, an approved applicant or borrower on a loan (or loan increase) taken in the last 12 months.
Speak to Renee, your broker at Mortgage Choice in Robina on 07 5562 0748

Orbit Financial Services
Alison Crawford - Director | Senior Financial Adviser
T: 07 5661 9720
E: info@orbitfs.com.au
W: www.orbitfs.com.au
Suite 14, Riverwalk Place, 238 Robina Town Centre Drive Robina QLD 4226

Richard Ings Pty Ltd - Accountant
Richard Ings - Chartered Accountant, Accountants & Auditors
P: (07) 5575 7850
Suite 1303, Lakeside 2, 1 Lake Orr Dr, Varsity Lakes QLD

Lemonade Beach Accountants
Cameo Ashe - Accountant | Director
T: 07 3473 1990
W: www.lemonadebeachaccounting.com.au
56 Griffith Street, Coolangatta (Gold Coast) QLD 4225

Rede Accountants
Col Wilson - Director | Accountant
T: 07 5575 9567
E: info@rede.com.au
W: www.redeaccountants.com.au
Suite 1004, Level 10 “The Rocket”
203 Robina Town Centre Drive
RobinaQLD 4226

BMT Tax Depreciation
Quantity Surveyors
Alan Kinder
M: 0408 396 778
P: 1300 728 726
E: alan.kinder@bmtqs.com.au

National Storage
National Storage is proud to offer the clients of Mortgage Choice, 25% off the cost of their first 3 months storage and a free packing kit (10 boxes, 2 moving bags & tape).
Remember this offer is for moving, renovating and all your storage needs.
Conatct Renee - Mortgage Choice in Robina on 07 5562 0748 for further details.