St Peters Broker Service
Do you live in, or are you looking to move to St Peters?
In the inner-eastern suburbs of Adelaide, you'll find St Peters. Located in the City of Norword Payneham St Peters, ot was first settled in 1833, where allotments were sold to the South Australia Company's investors. Althought, it was a separate town, originally, and named after the Church of England's school of St Peter (Wikipedia, 2022).

In the last month, 12 properties were available for rent in St Peters and 8 for sale. The median property prices this last year ranged from $1.82 million for houses and $410.5K for units. When looking for investment properties, consider houses in St Peters rent out for $625 per week, with an annual yield of 2.1% whilst units rent for $360 per week with a rental yield of 5.5%. Five years of sales indicate that St Peters has a compound growth rate of 7.1% for houses and -5.0% for units.
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Contact the team from Mortgage Choice St Peters on 0435 555 504
Our brokers will endeavour to provide you the services you need, our goal is to ensure that you can find a property in this beautiful suburb that matches your wants.
Find out more about our team here.