Mortgage Choice
Stephen Venn


Please contact me for details of the next available seminars on these HOT topics.

  • Using YOUR Superannuation money to buy Investment Property.

 Yes, you can utilise your current (thought to be untouchable) Superannuation money to purchase investment property.  Come along and learn the strategies involved in setting yourself up for a comfortable retirement.  Did you know that currently, 84% of Australians are retiring on $21,000 pa? Only 4% retire on more than $41,000 pa.  Can you survive in the lifestyle you want on this? Do nothing and you may well find out!

This seminar is suitable for singles, couples and other groups of up to 4, working, with a combined Superannuation balance of $120,000 or more.


  •   The Australian Property Update.

 Come along to hear one of Australia’s leading property experts talk about the best places to be buying property.  More importantly learn the basic methodology employed to arrive at these recommendations.  It’s not rocket science and it will resonate with you just how straightforward it can be to own an outperforming investment property (or several).  Learn about the power of leveraging.

This seminar is suitable for singles or couples with reasonable equity in their home and a few spare dollars a week who want to learn more about owning an investment property.

Contact us