Mortgage Choice
Tara Williams

Refinancing your home loan

Reviewing your home loan every 2 years is a must if you want to take advantage of any changes in rates or loan inclusions. If you’re overdue for a review, we can help! Mortgage Choice Secret Harbour, Rockingham, Kwinana and surrounds offer a free Home Loan Health Check on your current home loan to see if you are paying too much and if we can get you a better deal.

What is refinancing?

No matter how your life has changed, it's essential that your loan continues to meet your needs.

Even if you've had your current home loan for only a couple of years, it's possible you could take advantage of different loan features or even secure a lower rate.

Our free Home Loan Health Check is a smart option

We'll evaluate and compare your loan with hundreds of others by taking into account rates, fees and features to make sure you have the loan that's right for you. It only takes a short amount of time and could save you money.

Download our free e-guide on refinancing here.

What are the reasons to refinance?

  • Take advantage of a better home loan rate
  • Switch between variable or fixed home loan rates
  • Consolidate your debt
  • Access the equity in your home to invest
  • Take advantage of better home loan inclusions

Speak with us if you are:

  • thinking about topping up your home loan;
  • coming to the end of a fixed rate term;
  • aiming to pay off your home sooner;
  • looking to reduce or lock in your repayments;
  • planning renovations; or
  • considering buying an investment property

Let us help you get started with refinancing

The team at Mortgage Choice in Secret Harbour, Rockinham, Kwinana and surrounds would love to help you get started. Call us today on 0447 277 321 or click on the Contact Us button at the top of the page.

Check out some of our other resources:

We can also help you with:

  • Home loans
  • Car loans
  • Property investment
  • Business lending
  • Risk & general insurance
  • Personal loans
  • Credit cards
  • Equipment finance & leasing

Contact us