Mortgage Choice
Tim Kerin

Debt Consolidation | Mortgage Choice in Kingsley

If you’re juggling multiple debts – or even just a few outstanding balances – debt consolidation can be a simple solution to streamline your finances. It could also see you pocket savings on interest charges and regular repayments.

Debt consolidation means just one repayment

Debt consolidation refers to the process of replacing a number of different loans or credit card balances with a single loan. It may sound complicated but it’s really very easy, and there are good reasons to consider consolidating if you have more than one debt.

Part of the appeal of debt consolidation is the opportunity for streamlined money management. Instead of managing a variety of different repayments each month, you have just one monthly repayment to plan for. It’s so much easier to stay on top of a single repayment, and it eliminates the need to regularly check that you have sufficient funds available to cover all your different repayments.

Consolidation can deliver savings

Debt consolidation isn’t just about convenience.

By consolidating your debts into a personal loan or refinancing them with your home loan, you may have the opportunity to save on interest charges, with the potential to lower your overall monthly repayments and free up extra cash.

For help in working out the best way to consolidate your debt, call or text 0488 839 212 or book using the button below. 

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